Results for 'Benjamin Oliver Martin'

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  1. Aquinas Lectures.Martin Wm Oliver, Julius R. Weinperg & John N. Findlay - 1973 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 29 (3):338-338.
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  2. Cultural evolution: A review of theoretical challenges.Ryan Nichols, Mathieu Charbonneau, Azita Chellappoo, Taylor Davis, Miriam Haidle, Eric Kimbrough, Henrike Moll, Richard Moore, Thom Scott-Phillips, Benjamin Purzycki & José Segovia-Martin - 2024 - Evolutionary Human Sciences 6.
    The rapid growth of cultural evolutionary science, its expansion into numerous fields, its use of diverse methods, and several conceptual problems have outpaced corollary developments in theory and philosophy of science. This has led to concern, exemplified in results from a recent survey conducted with members of the Cultural Evolution Society, that the field lacks ‘knowledge synthesis’, is poorly supported by ‘theory’, has an ambiguous relation to biological evolution and uses key terms (e.g. ‘culture’, ‘social learning’, ‘cumulative culture’) in ways (...)
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    Too Good to be True? Ideomotor Theory from a Computational Perspective.Oliver Herbort & Martin V. Butz - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Stress induces a functional asymmetry in an emotional attention task.Martin Brüne, Nadja Nadolny, Onur Güntürkün & Oliver T. Wolf - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (3):558-566.
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    At the Intersection of Microbiota and Circadian Clock: Are Sexual Dimorphism and Growth Hormones the Missing Link to Pathology?Benjamin D. Weger, Oliver Rawashdeh & Frédéric Gachon - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (9):1900059.
    Reciprocal interactions between the host circadian clock and the microbiota are evidenced by recent literature. Interestingly, dysregulation of either the circadian clock or microbiota is associated with common human pathologies such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, or neurological disorders. However, it is unclear to what extent a perturbation of pathways regulated by both the circadian clock and microbiota is involved in the development of these disorders. It is speculated that these perturbations are associated with impaired growth hormone (GH) secretion and (...)
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    Free to blame? Belief in free will is related to victim blaming.Oliver Genschow & Benjamin Vehlow - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 88 (C):103074.
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    The Ontological Structure of Linguistic Theory.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1969 - The Monist 53 (2):262-279.
    Recent discussions of ontology have shown an interest in the relation between logic, language and ontology. Quine, for example, has shown how sentences translated into canonical form determine ontological commitment in terms of the values over which bound variables range, while Strawson has maintained that conditions inherent to language determine a system of ontological concepts. But in these discussions the role linguistics might have in the construction of ontological schemes is seldom seriously considered. Except for Benjamin Lee Whorf’s examination (...)
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    Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease.Martin Dyrba, Moritz Hanzig, Slawek Altenstein, Sebastian Bader, Tommaso Ballarini, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Daniel Cantré, Peter Dechent, Laura Dobisch, Emrah Düzel, Michael Ewers, Klaus Fliessbach, Wenzel Glanz, John-Dylan Haynes, Michael T. Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Deniz B. Keles, Ingo Kilimann, Christoph Laske, Franziska Maier, Coraline D. Metzger, Matthias H. Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Boris Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Klaus Scheffler, Anja Schneider, Björn H. Schott, Annika Spottke, Eike J. Spruth, Marc-André Weber, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Frank Jessen & Stefan J. Teipel - unknown
    Background: Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve high diagnostic accuracy for detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, they are not yet applied in clinical routine. One important reason for this is a lack of model comprehensibility. Recently developed visualization methods for deriving CNN relevance maps may help to fill this gap as they allow the visualization of key input image features that drive the decision of the model. We investigated whether models with higher accuracy (...)
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    Introduction.Martin Endreß & Benjamin Rampp - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (1):3-5.
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    Conflict-driven answer set solving: From theory to practice.Martin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann & Torsten Schaub - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):52-89.
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    Philosophy and the American school.William Oliver Martin - 1961 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 2 (1):72-80.
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    Post storyboard, d’après le film Touki Bouki de Djibril Mambety Diop.Olive Martin - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):41-41.
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    ‘Depth Grammar’ as a Methodological Concept in Philosophy.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1972 - International Philosophical Quarterly 12 (1):111-130.
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    Can Moral Responsibility be Collective and Nondistributive?Martin Benjamin - 1976 - Social Theory and Practice 4 (1):93-106.
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    Preface: Remembering Consciousness.Martin Klein & Oliver Istvan Toth - 2018 - Society and Politics 12 (2):05-07.
    This issue is dedicated to consciousness in medieval and early modern philosophy of mind. It aims to shed new light on the continuities and innovations during the transition from medieval to early modern philosophy of mind. The four papers, by Sonja Schierbaum, Daniel Schmal, Oliver Istvan Toth, and Philipp N. Müller, focus on consciousness and, more specifically, on one of its less frequently considered aspects: memory.
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    Investigación-Acción En Educación Superior: Indagando Sobre El Aprendizaje Cooperativo.Benjamín Castro-Martín & Andrés Sánchez Suricalday - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-9.
    En este texto se recoge la experiencia y el estudio realizado en el Grado de Educación Infantil del Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Madrid), ante la necesidad de mostrar a los estudiantes del 2º curso, matriculados en la asignatura “La Innovación Educativa” otra forma de aprender y enseñar, basándose en su propia experiencia. Pero para poder valorar esta experiencia, era necesario encontrar un modelo a seguir y desde el que recoger información, indagar sobre lo que ocurría en la propia aula y (...)
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    Beobachtungen des Unbeobachtbaren.Oliver Jahraus, Nina Ort & Benjamin Marius Schmidt (eds.) - 2000 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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    Anencephalic Infants as Sources of Transplantable Organs.Martin Benjamin - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (5):28-30.
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    Can't We Make Moral Judgments?Martin Benjamin - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (4):245-246.
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    I'm the Teacher.Martin Benjamin - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (2):151-153.
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    Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics - By Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl.Martin Benjamin - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (1):92-93.
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    The Seed of Goal-Related Doubts: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Roles of Failure and Expectation of Success Among Police Trainee Applicants.Martin Bettschart, Marcel Herrmann, Benjamin M. Wolf & Veronika Brandstätter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Various theories on personal goal striving rely on the assumption that failure raises doubts about the goal. Yet, empirical evidence for an association between objective failure experiences and doubts about personal long-term goals is still missing. In a longitudinal field study, applicants for a job as a police trainee (n = 172, Mage = 25.15, 55 females and 117 males) were accompanied across three measurement times over a period of five months. We investigated the effects of failure and initial expectation (...)
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    Structure and Relationships of University Instructors’ Achievement Goals.Martin Daumiller, Robert Grassinger, Oliver Dickhäuser & Markus Dresel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    An out‐of‐equilibrium definition of protein turnover.Benjamin Martin & David M. Suter - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2200209.
    Protein turnover (PT) has been formally defined only in equilibrium conditions, which is ill‐suited to quantify PT during dynamic processes that occur during embryogenesis or (extra) cellular signaling. In this Hypothesis, we propose a definition of PT in an out‐of‐equilibrium regime that allows the quantification of PT in virtually any biological context. We propose a simple mathematical and conceptual framework applicable to a broad range of available data, such as RNA sequencing coupled with pulsed‐SILAC datasets. We apply our framework to (...)
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    Ethical pause as a framework for high-value care of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.Benjamin J. Martin, Margaret Plews-Ogan & Andrew S. Parsons - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (1):1-4.
    Caring for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 raises ethical dilemmas in which clinicians must weigh the unknown value of an intervention against the unknown risk of viral transmission. Current guidelines for delivering high-value care in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic do not directly address ethical dilemmas that arise from the unique concerns of individual patients. We propose an “ethical pause” in which clinicians address ethical dilemmas by taking time to ask three questions that invoke the major bioethical principles of beneficence, (...)
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    Causation and Responsibility in Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.Martin Benjamin - 1995 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):431-441.
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    Identity fusion, outgroup relations, and sacrifice: A cross-cultural test.Benjamin Grant Purzycki & Martin Lang - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):1-6.
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  28. Moral Knowledge and Moral Education.Martin Benjamin - 1978 - In Matthew Lipman & Ann Margaret Sharp (eds.), Growing up with philosophy. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 311--325.
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  29. Compromise.Martin Benjamin - 1992 - In Lawrence C. Becker & Charlotte B. Becker (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York: Garland Publishing. pp. 189--191.
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    The Philosophy of Human Nature.Oliver Martin - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (3):452 - 465.
    The author devotes a good number of pages to clarifying the relations between PHN, experimental psychology, and metaphysics. It is this thesis, a problem of the order of knowledge, that we wish to question. We shall first present some of the difficulties that give rise to the problem. Second, we shall indicate the kind of knowledge which PHN is. Third, we shall attempt to demonstrate that in the body of his work the kind of knowledge represented is that of the (...)
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    Beyond compromise.Oliver Martin - 1947 - Ethics 58 (2):118-122.
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  32. Suicide Myths and Misconceptions in Medical Students. Preliminary Report.Martin Voracek, Oliver Bernecker & Gemot Sonneck - 2005 - In Friedrich Wallner, Martin J. Jandl & Kurt Greiner (eds.), Science, medicine, and culture: festschrift for Fritz G. Wallner. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 217.
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    Linguistic Models and their Philosophical Consequences.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 5:471-474.
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    Rethinking Ethical Theory.Martin Benjamin - 1987 - Teaching Philosophy 10 (4):285-294.
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    Philosophical integrity and policy development in bioethics.Martin Benjamin - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (4):375-389.
    Critically examining what most people take for granted is central to philosophical inquiry. Philosophers who accept positions on policy making commissions, tasks forces, or committees cannot, however, play the same uncompromisingly critical role in this capacity as they do in the classroom or in their personal research or writing. Still, philosophers have much to contribute to such bodies, and they can do so without compromising their integrity or betraying themselves as philosophers. Keywords: compromise, critical reflection, embryo research, integrity, organ transplantation, (...)
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    The order and integration of knowledge.William Oliver Martin - 1957 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
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    Ethics in Nursing Practice: Basic Principles and their Application.Martin Benjamin - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (3):171-172.
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    (2 other versions)Ethics in nursing.Martin Benjamin - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Joy Curtis.
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    Underlying Realities of Language.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1973 - The Monist 57 (3):408-429.
    One finds throughout the history of philosophy repeated though apparently unsuccessful attempts to decide upon the nature or essence of language. This is not a trivial problem. When philosophers themselves have tried to resolve it they seem inevitably to postulate some nonovert level of linguistic form which is more basic to language than its overt grammatical forms. Now linguists have become involved in making similar claims. This is in large measure due to Noam Chomsky’s revolutionary work in transformational generative grammar, (...)
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    11 Modelle in der Archäologie.Martin Hinz & Oliver Nakoinz - 2015 - In Ivor Nissen & Bernhard Thalheim (eds.), Wissenschaft Und Kunst der Modellierung: Kieler Zugang Zur Definition, Nutzung Und Zukunft. De Gruyter. pp. 219-250.
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    Wisdom and Ethics in Management: The Educational Society and Sustainability.Martin Kelly & Graham Oliver - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (2):107-116.
    In this paper we discuss ‘sustainable management’ which is being advocated by some in the business community. It may be that a professed commitment to sustainable development is merely a way for contemporary businesses to continue with ‘business as usual’ behind its façade. We believe that if business practices are to change, then education must change to allow students to live the ‘good’ lives promoted both by early philosophers and now by those professing the merits of sustainable development. The sustainable (...)
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    Editorial Announcement.Martin Benjamin - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (1):3.
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  43. Subway and Spaceship.Martin Benjamin - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  44. Pragmatism and the determination of death.Martin Benjamin - forthcoming - Pragmatic Bioethics:193--206.
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    Political justice in France: The Dreyfus affair and after.Benjamin F. Martin - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (5):809-826.
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  46. Pacifism for pragmatists.Martin Benjamin - 1973 - Ethics 83 (3):196-213.
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    Icônes.Olive Martin - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):1-232.
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    Innate Ideas and Transformational Grammar: A Kantian Interpretation.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke (ed.), Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 849-855.
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    Exploiting redundancy for flexible behavior: Unsupervised learning in a modular sensorimotor control architecture.Martin V. Butz, Oliver Herbort & Joachim Hoffmann - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (4):1015-1046.
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    Autorität: Krise, Konstruktion und Konjunktur.Oliver Kohns, Martin Roussel & Till van Rahden (eds.) - 2016 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Der Begriff der Autorität verortet sich im 20. Jahrhundert in einer komplexen Matrix zwischen zeitgeschichtlichem Problembewusstsein, »konservativem« Denken und politischer Theoriebildung. Drei Perspektiven kennzeichnen die Rede von Autorität im 20. Jahrhundert: erstens die vermeintliche Krise einer vormals fraglosen Gültigkeit, zweitens der Versuch genealogischer Rückversicherung durch Versatzstücke der Tradition und drittens die Behauptung, Autorität könne als Grundbegriff politischer Theoriebildung und insbesondere demokratischer Ordnungen dienen. Der Sammelband analysiert das Konzept der Autorität entsprechend entlang der drei Dimensionen der Krise, der Konstruktion und der (...)
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